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The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards - Amazing Grace


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 04:55 | Comments: 0

The history of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is the record of three ancient regiments: The Royal Scots Greys, the 6th Dragoon Guards and the 3rd the Prince of Wales Dragoon Guards. Through The Royal Scots Greys, whose predecessors were raised by King Charles II in 1678, the regiment can claim to be the oldest surviving Cavalry of the Line in The British Army. The Pipes and Drums of the current regiment have their origin in the small pipe band that came to the Royal Scots Greys in 1946. They have performed around the world and released many successful albums, while also undertaking military assignments in service to the Queen. All members of The Pipes and Drums are fully trained tank-crew members. They were deployed as part of the 7th Armored Brigade during the Gulf War.

Channels: Military & War  

Tags: Entertainment 


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