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Crash Crashday


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 05:16 | Comments: 0

NOW AVAILABLE on iTUNES MUSIC STORES WORLDWIDE itunes.apple.com Too Mean to Die: CRASH. The new album: The Paragon of Animals True Heavy Metal veterans don't really die. They become gnarly and mean. They don't cut their hair (or most of them don't). They actually lose weight. And they never give up the fight. Just look at Korea's CRASH. Ask any true Korean metalhead: who changed the face of Korean heavy metal forever? Which band has been flying the flag for pure, unadulterated Thrash Metal for twenty or so years? The answer will most surely be CRASH. Always lurking around, somewhere in the underground. Once deemed to be The Next Big Thing, on the verge of commercial breakthrough -- but no. Not them. Too much integrity, son. Originally conceived during the early Nineties, CRASH has seen and done it all. They were the first band to incite stage-diving and slam-dancing in the history of Korean music. They've had their music censored due to "explicit content" and been embroiled in the obligatory "backwards satanic message" controversy. They've played with bands as diverse as Bush and Megadeth. They toured Japan with the Japanese Mad Capsule Markets -- a first for a Korean rock band. They've had their music appear in movies and TV commercials. They once even collaborated with Korea's greatest pop music icon Seo Taiji, only to turn their backs on the inevitable oncoming onslaught of commercial temptations. That really took guts. And here we are now, 16 years after the release ...

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: Music  Crash  Korea  KPop  kpop  Korean  Rock  KRock  Metal  Heavy  sonicprism  Paragon  of  Animals  Crashday 


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