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Transformers Soundtrack - Arrival to Earth Scorponok Piano


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Added on Aug 11, 2010

Length: 03:59 | Comments: 0

Sheet music (only for intermediate/advanced players): http://www.mediafire.com/?dnhu4mmyxvy Me playing my own interpretation by ear (and later wrote out on sheet by myself - see above link, its free of charge as I am not interested, unlike others, in taking anyones money) of 'Arrival to Earth' followed by 'Scorponok' from the Transformers original score/soundtrack, by Steve Jablonsky. Its hard to believe the original score was never going to be released, just the soundtrack with popular songs was released at first, then I think through demand the actual score by Steve Jablonsky was unleashed to the world lol. I love the soundtrack and its one of my favourites in recent years, I did my best to transcribe the pieces by ear, and adapt for solo piano, and I am actually very pleased with the results considering I only spent a matter of hours putting it together. Please excuse my strange ninja impression at the end of the piece :) Thanks for listening ;)

Channels: Personal Videos  

Tags: Music  transformers  arrival  to  earth  scorponok  steve  jablonsky  soundtrack  score  classical  piano  revenge  of  the  fallen  movie  film  music  mark  fowler  ukpiano 


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