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Rodney Charters ASC Canon Body Cinematographer


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 05:32 | Comments: 0

An Active Member of the American Society of Cinematographers. This invitation in April of 2004 to the ASC is a great priviledge and honour, as well as a prestigious hallmark in his career as a cinematographer. Charters grew up in the darkroom of his fathers studio, "Charters and Guthrie Photograhers", with the smell of hypo, developer, and the allure of the enlarger. Inspired by his fathers love of movies, he took up the camera early. He quickly progressed to his fathers Bolex, and made his first film "Film Exercise" at the, University of Auckland. This short, which played to acclaim at the Sydney Film Festival, garnered Rodney a place at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London, where Charters' fellow students included such names as Directors: Tony Scott, Richard Longcraine, and DP Stephen Goldblatt ASC Upon graduation, Charters worked briefly on commercials while living in London. Immediately following a short stint in the US, Charters was chosen to work on documentaries in Toronto for a Canadian Network. He spent 15 years traveling the world -- shooting on location in such exotic spots as 5 months in the jungles of South America and 4 months in the Soviet Union during the cold war. Charters eventually moved into the world of drama after Toronto DP Mark Irwin ASC tapped him to shoot Second Unit on a Toronto based feature called "Youngblood". Charters returned briefly to documentaries and after winning a Canadian Genie for best cinematography he turned full time to ...

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: Film  Rodney  Charters  ASC  Canon  Body  Cinematographer 


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