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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 09:48 | Comments: 0

TORTURE CLASSICS Sit back and relax, as we make this incredible music come alive! Time Life Music announces the release of the TORTURE CLASSICS collection. This torture music compilation (DOUBLE ALBUM) includes 60 songs, tons of images, uncensored videos, pdfs and extra bonus material in the form of a DOWNLOAD-DVD. Torture Music is the kind of music that's perfect for sitting in the Afghan or Iraqi Desert, sharing a prisoner for a night, or relaxing in a military barack or a CIA black site in some godforsaken country on a lazy afternoon. It's music thats just makes you feel free and drives others crazy. TORTURE CLASSICS includes blockbuster tracks from Metallica, Rage Against the Machine, Britney Spears, NIN, Eminem, Queen, Nancy Sinatry, Tanya Tucker, Neil Diamond, Barry Manilow, the Barney Show and the Meow-Mix commercial. And for limited time only, thanks to governemental copyright infringement, TIME LIFE MUSIC can offer you all these confession-inducing tracks for free.* To kick-off of the release of the DOWNLOAD-DVD, a 24h Gala (music-torture performance) will take place at the Gyeonggi Creation Center Facilities in Daebudo, an island off the western coast of South Korea, formerly used by the Japanese to torture Korean orphans. Watch now! Download now! For a LIMITED TIME ONLY, you will get this exclusive DOWNLOAD-DVD -- As seen in Internet commercials on Youtube, Vimeo and Twitter - for free.

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: Music  Bloodmoney  Copyright  DRM  Torture  Enhanced  Interrogation  CIA  RIAA  MPAA  sonic  torture  army  military  interrogation  Hits  Western  Hard  Rock  Country  Pop  UBERMORGEN.COM  Grafitti  Research  Lab  Abu  Ghraib  Guantanamo  Bagram  Kandahar 


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