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Fox 5 commercials September 1992 Volume 65


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 10:36 | Comments: 0

I've made commercial videos in the past, but this is the official installment of my commercial volumes. I'll take you through the journey of 90s commercials from 1991-1996. All from my personal collection. Here we go. Here are a string of commercials that aired on Fox 5 in September 1992: 1. Maaco 2. Wash 'n Curl Shampoo (It was common to put the "sparkle effect" to make it look like it's working in these type of commercials.) 3. Plus White (Again with the "sparkle effect". Works on TV, but not when you get it home.) 4. Nationwide Warehouse 5. Promo for "Rock The Vote" 6. HBO 7. "The Simpsons" and "Golden Girls" on Fox 5 8. New Jersey Bell (WOW, where would we be without Caller ID and Call Waiting?) 9. Sun Chips 10. TV spot for "Sarafina" 11. National Recovery Institutes Group 12. Rice Krispies Treats (I wonder how this woman would get away with that if her children asked her to make it on the spot. She'll sneak them in the oven?) 13. Earl Scheib 14. Finesse Conditioner (Sometimes you need a little Finesse. I remember this.) 15. TV spot for "Innocent Blood" 16. Promo for "Roseanne" (With the leather jacket and the fire red hair, this woman seemed very persuasive in New York City. I could see her bully some kid, "HEY PUNK!...watch Roseanne.) 17. McDonald's 18. HBO 19. Kirby's Dreamland for Gameboy 20. LA Gear (This white man CAN jump.) 21. Promo for "MTV Video Music Awards" 22. Nationwide Warehouse 23. Fox "Taking Charge" PSA for American Cancer Society 24. "Studs" and ...

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: Entertainment  Fox  25  commercials  September  1992  Volume  65  ads  advertisements  classic  jingle  tv  shows  movie  chocolate  candy  bar  cars  trucks  concert  horror  fast  food  breakfast  work  out  body  building  yt:stretch16:9 


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