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Thinking Inside the Box Column 20100813


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 04:57 | Comments: 0

Hi, Ellis Bromberg with another video "Thinking Inside the Box." It's been a little over a year since all full-power broadcast TV stations switched from analog transmission to digital -- you remember all those promotions about converter boxes and government coupons and so forth. Well, through this year, the response to digital TV and its benefits - the gorgeous HD picture, new multicast channels - has been mostly very positive. Our programs have never looked or sounded better. But throughout this period, there has also been a group of our loyal viewers who have had diminished service: not cable or satellite subscribers, but some over-the-air viewers. About one-fifth of the audience in the Milwaukee area still relies on over-the-air television, and a group of them, who never had any problem receiving the old analog channel 10, have had difficulty receiving the new digital channel 10. What has been particularly surprising to these viewers is that they can usually receive all the other stations in town, including channel 36, but not channel 10. The reason is that channel 10 is now the only full-power station in Milwaukee that is operating on a VHF channel at a lower part of the broadcast spectrum - all the other digital stations in Milwaukee, including channel 36, are now operating on UHF channels. Now, in the old analog world, a VHF channel was considered a better option than a UHF channel: one reason, the power consumption is much lower for VHF than UHF. The channel ...

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: People  Thinking  Inside  the  Box  Ellis  Bromberg  MPTV 


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