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Sam Verhaert Showreel 2010


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 02:31 | Comments: 0

This showreel is composition of commercials and videoclips we shot when I was working as a producer at Pimpz.be. On these sets I mostly did production and sound engineering. - For full versions, deep-search this account - _____________________________________________ SAM VERHAERT : SHOWREEL 2010 Edit - Sound & Graphics _____________________________________________ This showreel counts 26 commercials and 7 video-clips Therefore special thanks to those I had the opportunity to work with : CLIENTS : Bobbejaanland, Belcompagny, Belgacom, Christelijke Mutualiteiten, Culture Club, Corona, De Tijd, Festival Van De Amateurkunsten, Gent Info, Gent Jazz, Gazet Van Antwerpen, Germaine, Groen!, Grip, Harley Davidson, Hugo Boss, Humo, ING, Hyundai, Jazz Middelheim, KBC, Martini, Mentos, Mnm, Nike, NMBS, P-magazine, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen, Proctor & Gamble, Q8, Samsung, Stad Gent, Tele 2, Thomas Cook, Tv Vlaanderen, Unesco, Vlaams Energie Agentschap, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, Vlaamse vaccinatieweek, Vlaamse Havens, Zwan BANDS : Absynthed Minded, Diskodrunkards, Freaky Age, Flip Kowlier, Lady Linn, Tatiana Silva AGENCIES : Duval Guillaume Antwerp, Duval-Guillaume Brussels, LDV united, Germaine, Dubois meets Fugger, DDB°, VVL BBDO, Emakina, Mccann Erickson, 10 (ten), Glossy.tv, Bubka, Choco, Markee, Shortcut, One Agency, Republica, Gonzales, BigBazar, Cayman and of course : Poetry In Motion ProductionZ for hiring me in the first place ...

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: Film  Showreel  Sam  Verhaert  producer  2010  pimpz  poetry  in  motion  productionz  gent  ghent  samverhaert  sampoetryinmotion  commercials  commercial  pub  publicity  reclame  ad  advert  advertisement  spot  tvspot  tv  televisie  reklame  reclam  een  korte  onderbrekin 


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