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Dallas-Fort Worth Infiniti Dealer Keeps It All In The Family


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Added on Aug 17, 2010

Length: 07:10 | Comments: 0

From a dusty used car lot in 1948 to a sleek, ultra-modern Dallas Infiniti dealership in the 21st century; that's how four generations of Grubbs fathers and sons have sold more than 120000 cars in North Texas. Hubert Grubbs got out of the grocery business to sell in-demand used cars after World War II. He then handed the business off to son George R. Grubbs, who pioneered the use of computers to track inventory and customer buying habits; he also was among the first to use local TV commercials. His sons, George Jr. and Eric soon followed, and now George Grubbs III uses the Web and social media to sell Infinitis. For more information on Grubbs Infiniti, go to ‪www.grubbsinfiniti.com ‬ For more information on spark360 and Social Business Television, go to ‪http

Channels: TV Commercials  

Tags: News  Grubbs  Infiniti  Dallas  New  Dealership  Dealer  Used  Fort  Worth  Nissan  G35  G37  GTR  Leaf  Altima 


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