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ZUMBA Fitness


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 09:45 | Comments: 0

Zumba is the big dance/aerobic craze at the moment, and is spreading fast worldwide. And it's easy to see why! First I had seen or heard of it when I filmed this at The Tampa Bay Linedance Classic in November 2006. It is COOL! Junior Willis, Guyton Mundy & his Pop Shop kids are loving it. And watch injured Stella Cabecca at the back! She couldn't have recovered quicker if she had gone to Lourdes!! The instructor at the front is AWESOME!! (Video by Nigel AMON) MORE INFORMATION - PLEASE READ. The instructor's name is TANYA BEARDSLEY. She is a Master Trainer for Zumba. Although currently residing In St. Pete's, Florida, she is moving to New York City on 21st January (2008), where she will be trying to grow the Zumba program in New England. She is co-host of the 2008 Zumba dvds, due to be released this month (Jan 2008) thru a Guthy Renker infomercial. If you wish to contact Tanya or require more information, her email address is dance2it@hotmail.com and her website is www.zumbafied.com. DO HER CLASS, OR GET THE VIDEOS! AS YOU CAN SEE SHE IS JUST SUPERB!

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Entertainment  tanya  beardsley  zumba  linedance  dance  music  aerobic  guyton  mundy  stella  cabecca  pop  shop  kids  tampa  bay  classic 


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