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Justin Bieber Baby Parody - Im Just a Baby ft Tay Zonday


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 04:5 | Comments: 0

Justin Bieber "Baby" Parody - Get this song on iTunes! itunes.apple.com This is my parody of Justin Bieber's song "Baby". This is how the song should have been written. I couldn't resist :-) It's all just for fun! oh and.. happy birthday? what a coninkydink! Lyrics: I know you love me they all do Hop on the list babe I might pick you I fell in love girl many times My heart first broke when I was nine She cheated on me it really hurt On the playground with some jerk I know what love is I've got full experience But deep down inside I'm just a baby baby baby Ohhh A baby baby baby no don't touch me! Baby baby baby ohhsdfjkldsj Puberty suck sometimes! I'm making money everywhere I've got a room full of underwear But I don't want you money And I don't want your clothes I want a girl who knows How to maintain a stable relationship With good communication Can you take care of kids? Cause' I've got names picked out And a drivers license in about (5 months) I know it all sounds scary Now baby let's get married I keep forgetting that I'm I'm just a baby baby baby Ohhh A baby baby baby no don't touch me! Baby baby baby ohhsdfjkldsj I move away from the microphone to breathe When I was like 12 I fell in love hard That's when I knew I couldn't be without girl Weddings in March So grab my pack of crayons let's hit the 7th grade My voice is changing up but I'm still getting Laid... ...ies home phone numbers so I can call their moms to talk to my moms to see if we can hang out after ...

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Entertainment  baby  justin  bieber 


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