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Chemistry ケミストリー - Period PIANO Op 4 FMA Brotherhood


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 01:27 | Comments: 0

The FMA Brotherhood series are getting pretty hectic atm. The latest episode came with a new opening, so I figured, why not cover the new song? It's pretty cool how the animes change songs so frequently, I tend to find new bands and music because they do this sort of thing. I noticed that the song has a Viva la Vida kind of feel to it in the verse, which is kinda cool. One of the best FMA openings yet. But like omg, I so dig the name. Chemistry-Period :) Note, I happen to play this song by ear, so I don't have any sheet music. Hopefully that'll clear things up. -- #17 - Most Discussed (Today) - Music - Australia #83 - Most Discussed (This Month) - Music - Australia #69 - Top Favorited (Today) - Australia #16 - Top Favorited (Today) - Music - Australia #64 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Music - Australia #97 - Top Rated (Today) - Australia #14 - Top Rated (Today) - Music - Australia #41 - Top Rated (This Week) - Music - Australia #31 - Top Rated (This Month) - Music - Australia #87 - Most Viewed (This Month) - Music - Australia

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Music  full  metal  alchemist  fma  brotherhood  opening  hagane  no  renkinjutsushi  shintetsu  manga  anime  period  chemistry  Kemisutor  piano  keyboard  digital  cover  kawai  mp5  sub  lyrics  alchemy  high  def  definition  improvisation  audio  kontrol  4th 


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