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Shikamarus Paparazzi InoShikaTema


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 01:40 | Comments: 0

Yay! It doesn't have the lagging problem anymore. Thanks a bunch to Dani-sis for helping me out. =) Thanks for all the people who rated and commented in the previous upload. WARNING: Not for closed-minded peeps. As you may all know, I'm a ShikaIno fan so please do not comment something like how canon ST is compared to SI, okay? I'll block you if you do. And yeah, as you can notice, IT'S THE MOST OVERUSED SONG in the history... can't help it, I love LG so much XD Belated Happy Birthday to one of my precious friends in YT, Ash-san. Since I know you love both of these pairings, I made this for you. And aherm, I added a little randomness at the end for your entertainment XD Stay cool and charming as always. Thanks for the friendship. I love you dearie. Hope you had a great birthday. =) DISCLAIMER: I own nothing. I only edit.

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Film  Shikamaru  shadowsharigan101  shikaino  shikatema  inoshikatema  temashikaino 


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