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Maribelle Anes - Honestly Original


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 03:21 | Comments: 0

New acoustic song written for a friend, you know who you are (: thankyou for 10000 subs now! i love all you guys! :D:D please continue to spread my music around! -Maribelle.x ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Written & Composed & Maribelle Anes © 2010 Chorus: 2 seconds later your running back to his arms do me a favour tell me its more than enough tell me the truth is he making you happy can you make it through tell me honestly Verse 1: i know you you know me we've been friends for a while and i can see that you are fakin i know you hate it you like the idea not so much him he's good looking, so wealthy but theres others opportunities i can't take it he treats you like nothing you saint he aint worthit then you turn around Verse 2: is he that perfect? does he make you smile can you show me what is making him worth the while is he everything and his personality don't think im getting in between im just protecting you cause you say he aint right then Bridge: i can't take to see my best friend cry you apparently love him and i wanna know why he's a player - he's a double time dater honestly he aint right for you for you - Click the link below to see how an 18 year old makes over $428 per day through cell phones... This is the craziest thing I have ever seen.. It's so freaking cool! LINK: tinyurl.com --

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Music  Maribelle  Anes  honestly  original  guitar  acoustic  song  me  singing 


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