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Melissa Polinar Until You Dave Barnes COVER


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 04:48 | Comments: 0

Hey guys and gals! Night-owl'ing and this is what I came up with! I've been meaning to cover a Dave Barnes song for a while and there were so many different songs to choose from. This song is a classic of his. I've been a fan for some time! :) If you haven't checked him out - do it! Thanks, Dave, for letting me cover! www.davebarnes.com BY THE WAY, that pink top came from: www.livetoloveapparel.com - lots of cool and cute stuff there, check it out! :) LAST BUT NOT THE LEAST, thank you so much for watching, listening, subscribing, commenting, and the lovin'. I'm blessed to have you and... God bless, mp - - - - youtube.com (YOUTUBE - homepage!) twitter.com (TWITTER) mpolinar.tumblr.com (TUMBLR myspace.com (MYSPACE) - - - PS HATS ftw! :)

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Music  melissa  polinar  mpolinar  dave  barnes  singer  songwriter  until  you  cover  nashville  live  to  love  apparel  taylor  thomas  brixton  hat 


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