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Iceland volcano eruption Eyjafjallajökull - by Sean Stiegemeier


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 02:19 | Comments: 0

Iceland volcano eruption, Eyjafjallajökull - May 1st and 2nd, 2010 Original video @ http://vimeo.com/11673745 by Sean Stiegemeier So I saw all of these mediocre pictures of that volcano in Iceland nobody can pronounce the name of, so I figured I should go and do better. But the flights to get over took forever as expected (somewhat). 4 days after leaving I finally made it, but the weather was terrible for another 4. Just before leaving it got pretty good for about a day and a half and this is what I managed to get. Wish I had more time. I missed all the cool Lightning and the Lava of the first eruption. But I figure this will just be a trial run for another day. I am of course accepting sponsors to send me back there for more please...!! haha Canon 5d mkII HUGE thanks for the Motorized Dolly via MILapse (vimeo.com/milapse). Details are to come soon so stay tuned... SONG: Jónsi - Kolniður

Channels: Cool  

Tags: News  iceland  volcano  eruption  eyjafjallajokul  Sean  Stiegemeier  vulcan  hd  high  definition  720  720p 


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