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A Very Potter Musical Act 1 Part 9


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 08:20 | Comments: 0

The day of the first task has arrived and Harry might not be as prepared as hoped he would be. When his magical abilities aren't enough, will his boyish charm and good looks get him out of this pickle? "A Very Potter Musical" is an unofficial, fan-made, parody show. "The Dragon Song" Lyrics (by Darren Criss): HARRY: Hey dragon you dont gotta do this Lets reevaluate our options throw away our old presumptions cause really you dont wanna go through this Im really not that special the Boy Who Lived is only flesh and bone the truth is in the end Im pretty useless without friends In fact Im alone Just like now but anyhow I spend my time at school trying to be this cool guy I never even asked for I dont know any spells Still manage to do well But theres only so long that can last for Im living off the glory of some stupid childrens story I had nothing to do with I just sat there and got lucky so level with me buddy I cant defeat thee so please dont eat me All I can do is sing this song for you HARRY: Lalalalala DRAGON: Rarararara HARRY: Lalalalala Lalala HARRY: (speaking) Thats right Dragon HARRY: You never asked to be a dragon I never asked to be a champion We both just jumped on the band wagon But all we need is guitar jamming HARRY: Lalalalala DRAGON: Rarararara HARRY: Lalalalala Lalala HARRY: (speaking) Goodnight Dragon

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Comedy  Harry  Potter  musical  funny  Darren  Criss  AJ  Holmes  Hermione  Granger  Ron  Weasley  Draco  Malfoy  Dumbledore  Snape  Hogwarts  music  magic  Zefron  Pigfarts 


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