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Office Space Printer Scene Original HQ


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 03:12 | Comments: 0

This is one of the best scenes in one the best comedies of all time. If you are looking for this vid, you should already own the movie, but maybe you don't have that much money, or maybe you are at the office on break and one of your co-workers hasn't seen the movie, and you want to show it to them. The problem with that is you get a bunch of parody vids of stupid people thinking it's cool to put them and their friends recreating this scene over again with their own twist, which wouldn't be so bad, except for the fact that the titles do not usually say anything that would make you think this is the case. They say O.S. Printer scene....Copier scene....ETC. If you DO find the original scene it's poor quality, or the sound does not sync up correctly. So I finally took the liberty to upload a high quality version of the scene, with the addition of the previous scenes building up to that moment. Enjoy!

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Comedy  Office  Space  Copier  Printer  HQ  legit  original  official 


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