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IPL Spot Fixing : Chandila in touch with other bollywood actors


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Added on May 27, 2013

Length: 01:01 | Comments: 0

NewsX: Vindoo Dara Singh, isnt the only link to Bollywood exposed. After bookies and starlets Newsx now has access to photographs showing prominent faces with the tainted players.

Chandila seems to be enjoying lighter moments with actor director Shohail khan and actor Boman Irani. The pictures also reveal player turned bookie Babu Rao Yadav and the three arrested players - Sreesanth, Ankeet Chavan and Chandila had regularly been spotted partying together.

Channels: Trailers  

Tags: IPL  Spot  Fixing  Chandila  in  touch  with  other  bollywood  actors 


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