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[Olympic Games] London 2012 Olympic Games TVC


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Added on Jul 23, 2012

Length: 00:59 | Comments: 0

Feel the anticipation, suspense, triumphs and joys as the world get together to celebrate the London 2012 Olympic Games. Starring Samsung's official ambassador for the Olympic Games, David Beckham, follow the journey of the GALAXY S III, from Mumbai to Shanghai and Los Angeles, as it captures the most emotional moments of the Games. The TV commercial will be aired starting July 16 in over 20 countries including UK, France and China. Wherever you are, you can take part in this historic moment. The GALAXY S III, Samsung's Olympic Games Phone. Everyone's Olympic Games. Find out more here: http://www.samsung.com/global/galaxys3

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Samsung  GALAXY  III  Galaxy  4.8inch  HD  Super  AMOLED  smartphone  design  human  inspire  nature  smart  intuitive  simple  Android  Ice  Cream  Sandwich  Voice  Smart  stay  Pop  up  play  Direct  call  alert  Beam  AllShare  Play  Buddy 


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