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American Hot Babes - Trailer


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Added on May 27, 2012

Length: 01:29 | Comments: 1

In this outrageous comedy two buddies, uptight Carl (Brendan Hines) and Lester (Chris Pratt), enter a video booth and find themselves transported to an alternate dimension where the entire world has taken on the traits of an adult film. As they struggle to get home and, ironically, struggle with the impossible task of getting laid, Carl and Lester go on a journey meeting characters like gangster Busta Nut (Tracy Morgan), sorority house mother Autumn Bliss (Denise Richards) and club bouncer Summa Eve (Kim Kardashian) to help them on their journey. ©MMVIII Deep Valley Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Channels: Trailers  

Tags: Deep  in  the  Valley  2009  Christian  Forte  Chris  Pratt  Brenda  Hines  Scott  Caan  American  Hot  Babes  Metrodome  MetrodomeVOD  Comedy  Film  trailer 


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