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2011 Jose Cuervo Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament Highlights


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Added on May 26, 2012

Length: 09:55 | Comments: 0

http://www.socalbeachmag.net Check out the volleyball highlights from the 2011 Manhattan Beach Open Volleyball Tournament sponsored by Jose Cuervo. The 2011 volleyball open champions and winners included Jenny Kropp and Whitney Pavlic for the womens side and Sean Scott and John Hyden for the mens. The annual volleyball event marks the largest and longest running professional beach volleyball tour spot and is regarded as "TheSuper Bowl" of volleyball tourments to win with brass plaques being placed permanently on the Manhattan Bach Pier for each winning player. Photos and pictures from the event can be found at www.socalbeachmag.net For a list of winners and more photos check out the two best beach volleyball websites at www.usavolleyball.org and the Dig Magazine webste at www.digbeachvolleyball.com

Channels: Sports  

Tags: 2011  manhattan  beach  open  volleyball  usa  pro 


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