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Profile 2009 Beachvolleyball - Clip 1


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Added on May 26, 2012

Length: 02:33 | Comments: 0

The beach volleyball teams Ingrid Torlen/Nila Hakedal from Norway and Pedro Solberg/Pedro Cunha from Brazil prepare themselves for the new season at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In doing so, they also enjoy the city's sights, like the legendary Ipanema Market or a quick joyride to the open Sea.

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Beach  beachvolleyball  sport  ball  freesport  rio  de  janeiro  Ingrid  Torlen  Nila  Hakedal  Norway  Pedro  Solberg  Cunha  Brazil  quattro  media  brasilien  action  sports  freesporttv  tv  joyride  Ipanema  Market 


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