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Olympic Beach Volleyball Girls


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Added on May 26, 2012

Length: 03:22 | Comments: 0

http://www.volleyballtribe.com Beach Volleyball is not just a sport, its a lifestyle. Come for all the action on the beach. This a little compilation of the women's matches at the AVP Long Beach Open 2008. This could be the reason that the Commodores wrote "Brickhouse"! VolleyballTribe is the only true social network for volleyball pros, players and fans. Misty May-Treanor Kerri Walsh Beach Volleyball bikini, brickhouse, long beach 2008 AVP, sexy http://www.volleyballtribe.com

Channels: Sports  

Tags: beach  volleyball  beijing  kerri  walsh  olympics  Misty  MayTreanor  long  2008  AVP  sexy 


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