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Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently (Explicit) (Official Video)


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Added on May 24, 2012

Length: 02:22 | Comments: 0

LYRIKS: (spoken) This is a song for the ladies But fellas listen closely (sung) You don't always have to fuck her hard In fact sometimes that's not right to do Sometimes you've got to make some love And fuckin' give her some smoochies too Sometimes you got to squeeze Sometimes you got to say "Please" Sometimes you got to say "Hey, I'm gonna fuck you, softly I'm gonna screw you gently I'm gonna hump you, sweetly I'm gonna ball you discreetly" And then you say "Hey I brought you flowers" And then you say "Wait a minute Sally" "I think I got somethin' in my teeth, could you get it out for me?" That's fuckin' team work! What's your favorite posish? That's cool with me It's not my favorite but I'll do it for you What's your favorite dish? I'm not gonna cook it But I'll order it from Zanzibar! And then I'm gonna love you completely And then I fuckin fuck you discreetly And then I fuckin bone you completely But then I'm gonna fuck you hard, hard!

Channels: Music  

Tags: Tenacious  Dfuck  her  gentlyjack  Video 


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