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Dream Theater - Metropolis Part 1 Images and Words - SPLIT-SCREEN COVERS - VRA


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 10:3 | Comments: 0

Dream Theater Tribute Split Screen Covers / VRA! Metropolis - Part 1 "The Miracle and the Sleeper" Album: Images and Words Our 2nd song for the Split-Screen Covers / Dream Theater Tribute project. This time our guest vocalist was Will Shaw, the "guy who sings DT and Symphony-X in his car", aka Unflexablegrace. Thank you for the great performance Will! For suggestions, comments or whatever, feel free to email us. splitscreencovers@gmail.com ╟►SPLIT-SCREEN COVERS Song #1 - "Lifting Shadows Off a Dream" Song #2 - "Metropolis - Part 1" The ideia behind the project is to collaborate online to record these covers. Although some good friends of mine form the core of the project, the band won't necessarily be the same for every song. We will have guests from around the world participating, mostly (if nor all) on vocals though, at our discretion. How those it work? Each guy in the band records their parts (audio tracks and video) at home or at a local studio and sends them to me. I then put the audio together and mix it. Since I'm fairly new to mixing, this has been a great exercise for me. I learn the concept behind the sound of my favorite albums and try a whole bunch of cool techniques attempting to replicate it closely. I AB my mix with the original song but I don't get too crazy about it. It's difficult to get the sound exactly right due to a number of variables. When I get it close enough I stop comparing the two and just get it to sound good (hopefully) from there. When ...

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Music  Dream  Theater  Metropolis  Part  Awake  Thiago  Felipe  Campos  César  Zolhof  Paulinho  Will  Shaw  Unflexablegrace  Chego  John  Petrucci  Mike  Portnoy  Jordan  Rudess  Myung  James  Labrie  Kevin  Moore  Mesa  Boogie  Mark  IV  iic+  4x12  Ernie  Ball  Man  Bongo  Korg  Oas 


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