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Boss Jacoby MW2 Nade and Tip Video


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 07:54 | Comments: 0

If you have any questions regarding this video leave a comment below. Smoke Explanation : The reason I included that smoke clip was to show that you can see right through a smoke grenade when you crack a window. You cannot shoot the window completely out and you cannot leave it untouched but if you just crack it any smoke in front of you becomes invisible. This also goes for the smoke that comes off of fires, on maps such as Scrapyard (by the red truck at B bomb). You can test this out for yourself but you will see what I am talking about. I also included some pretty cool spots on a variety of maps that I thought not too many people know about. These nades are pretty great, and this time around I really trimmed it down, excluding the spectating of the nade and me throwing the nade as well, therefore I only included the killcam but that should be sufficient for your understanding of where to throw each nade. Anyways, this video took a lot of time and planning so if you haven't subbed already please do so. Also, please leave a comment below, I love responding to them. Just don't post comments saying these nades are horrible or everybody knows them because I really think that most people do not know these nades. Just rate, comment, like, and sub! Thanks

Channels: Cool  

Tags: Games  gamebattles  bossjacoby  boss  jacoby  sam  modern  warfare  gaming  gamer  xbox  360  tips  nade  video  spots  jumps  tricks  nuke  tutorials  help  intro  montage  clip  song  dumb  it  down  by  lupe  fiasco 


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