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Weird Ouran - Euw Dont touch that


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 02:29 | Comments: 0

How in the world did this get so many views??? I just slung it together randomly one afternoon! Actually, it's kinda annoying that one of my most popular videos is one I put the least amount of effort into... Whatever, people like what they like. If you're going to compare this AMV to KinKonKan's version, don't bother. I don't particularly care which you think is better. I would appreciate it if you would look at the video in the context in which it was put up: to be a funny AMV- that is its purpose, not to rival any other. I have been told several times that KinKonKan's was put up before mine and therefore I must have plagiarised it. You are sadly mistaken as I had no knowledge of the AMV prior to making mine. My sister told me about the song and played it for me and I thought I'd make an AMV to it to entertain anyone who might want to watch it, which is of course a terrible crime and completely the wrong reason for making AMVs. (Sarcasm is hard to demonstrate through a keyboard)

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Film  ouran  high  school  host  club  weird  al  yankovich  euw  dont  touch  that 


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