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SHADOWS {AmuIkutoDeath Rebel} SC For TheXLastXPiece


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 03:38 | Comments: 0

WATCH IN HD PLEASE! Oh my God. -dead- I've been trying to render this video all damn day and night. I am drop dead tired, zzz... sleep is calling me. xD I saved it like 5 times because it kept having weird glitches and I have no idea WTF that was caused from. So I basically had no choice but to render in HQ, make a new project, and then render in HD. It's just now finishing and I've only had 2 hours of sleep all night/day. xD; Anyway, yay. It's done. 8DD Hope you like it, Laura! I'm 98% satisfied with it, the only thing that bugged me was the random black fadey blink when Amu is leaping at Ikuto that Vegas caused (DAMN YOU VEGAS, AT MY FAVE SCENE!) and my very slight "Meh" attitude on the intro. Otherwise, I love it. =DI got an MEP part I gotta do tonight, then tomorrow, I'm working on another vid. 8D Which I intend to have done by Friday, and then Sunday another one (rofl, I'm really whipping them out..) by the time next week ends, I might have them all done. We'll see. Also, I'm so sorry.. to those of you who requested vids from me, at any time, this is my last request for awhile. Probably till Christmas, so they're going to have to wait till then when I can clear some space off my computer and get myself an external and yeah... I promise, I WILL do them though. And if anyone has requests, you can start requesting, but please look through my profile page first to see what vids I'm already working on so you don't request it too. xD! Enjoy. =D Song: Shadows Artist: Red ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Film  SC  Shugo  Chara  Amu  Ikuto  Amuto  Death  Rebel 


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