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OHSHC - HaruhiSyo Im In Trouble Happy B-day SummerFoxie


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 01:49 | Comments: 0

HD is ♥. Perhaps. Damn. What date is it? In Russia it's 11/10 already!Anyway, Summer's B-day is 10th November xD Hey, Summer, I lied! I've watched OuranHostClub 6 months ago, I was just checking if you like it or not, that's why we had that strange discussion about a month ago^^ HAPPY B-DAY, HUN!! You're such an amazing person, it's so fun to talk to you, so my only wish for you is to be yourself no matter what (and of course be happy ;D) And also I'm in love with your editing style, so I tried to copy it a little bit in this video though I wasn't successful. Still I hope you'll like it^^ Hey, my subbers, I know my recent videos might have caused your dissapointment, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'm trying new footage and new editing style... (I fell in love with wavy cookie cutters! My newest obsession, ha-ha! xD) I grew a little bit tired of Disney, I think. My next vids will be DN ones. Hm... 65%, I would say. Or maybe I'll upload a few MEP parts and unfinished stuff :) Anf I highly recommend you to watch Ouran Host Club, cause that anime is really great. It may look... weird, but believe me, it's fun and, well, it has some interesting thoughts;) Info// Clips: Ouran High School Host Club anime Song: Trouble by NeverShoutNever Disclaimer// For sure, I claim nothing as my on. All materials used in this video belong to their respective owners. Honours// ♥ #12 - Most Discussed (Today) - Russia #56 - Most Discussed (Today) - Film & Animation #1 - Most Discussed ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Film  ouran  high  school  host  club  haruhi  syo  tamaki  summerfoxie  birthsday 


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