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The Dark Knight Rises - Official Trailer #3


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Added on May 3, 2012

Length: 02:19 | Comments: 0

http://www.thedarkknightrises.com/ http://www.facebook.com/thedarkknightrises "The Dark Knight Rises" in theaters July 20. Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' "The Dark Knight Rises" is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. Leading an all-star international cast, Oscar(R) winner Christian Bale ("The Fighter") again plays the dual role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. The film also stars Anne Hathaway, as Selina Kyle; Tom Hardy, as Bane; Oscar(R) winner Marion Cotillard ("La Vie en Rose"), as Miranda Tate; and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, as John Blake. Returning to the main cast, Oscar(R) winner Michael Caine ("The Cider House Rules") plays Alfred; Gary Oldman is Commissioner Gordon; and Oscar(R) winner Morgan Freeman ("Million Dollar Baby") reprises the role of Lucius Fox.

Channels: Trailers  

Tags: thedark  knight  baleanne  hathawaytom  hardyMarion  CotillardJoseph  GordonLevitt 


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