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Wayne Rooney breaks childs arm with free kick


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Added on Apr 14, 2012

Length: 01:04 | Comments: 0

Young Shropshire football fanatic Jamie Thomas is sure to remember his first match watching his sporting heroes -- because Wayne Rooney broke his wrist. The nine-year-old from Wem, Shropshire was watching Manchester United for the first time when a stray shot from the £250,000-a-week striker caught his arm and left him needing hospital treatment. Jamie, who attends St Peter's Primary School, broke his wrist after trying to block Rooney's wayward thunderbolt in the warm up before their game with Wolves at Molineux on Sunday. It left Jamie, who was sat on the front row of the Jack Harris Stand, missing most of the second half as he was being treated by first aiders. Rooney is not believed to have been aware of the incident.

Channels: Sports  

Tags: Wayne  Rooney  breaks  childs  arm  with  free  kick 


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