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Review Milk of Magnesia as an Oil Controller


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 03:23 | Comments: 0

Here is the Review for Murad: www.youtube.com Phillip's Vs. Cvs: They both contain 120 mg of Magnesium Hydroxide as an active ingredient. They both contain purified water as an inactive ingredient. But in the Phillip's there is one extra thing in it, Sodium Hypochlorite. I think the extra Sodium Hypochlorite is what makes Philip's worth it as an oil controller. Then again, I've heard that it works as long as there is Magnesium Hydroxide. I dunno, You guys can debate this out. Why not a foundation brush to apply? It leaves streaks Why not a cotton ball to apply? It soaks up to much product, and it also makes the fibers stick to your face. WARNING: DO NOT BUY ANY FLAVORED MILK OF MAGNESIA. YOU ARE STUPID IF YOU THINK CHERRY/MINT IS NO BIG DEAL ON YOUR FACE. If you get a rash, I will laugh at you and then give you advice on how to rid of it. ONLY BUY THE ORIGINAL. There should only be up to three ingredients 1) Magnesium Hydroxide, Purified Water, and Sodium Hypochlorite. Monday:Hair Tut Tuesday: Sewing Tut Wednesday: Review, Beauty, Misc See Ya Next Week! Music: House of Jungle by MegaWolff7 (I LOVE THIS FELLA) New Grounds: megawolf77.newgrounds.com Store: www.klpigmentshop.com Twitter: www.twitter.com/ricesushi02 BlogSpot: www.secretlifeofabionerd.blogspot.com Facebook: www.facebook.com Disclaimer: Bought eerrrrrthang on my own. Was not paid nor sponsored. Yes I am actually this weird and uses all of these things on my face. Why tell u guys to put constipation med on your ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Howto  oil  control  reviews  beauty  beautychoice.com  how  to  asian  korean  style 


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