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Dean Haley Touched


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Added on Aug 16, 2010

Length: 03:58 | Comments: 0

"I looked into your eyes and saw; a world that does not exist." A crossover video of Dean (SPN) and Haley (OTH), with Jamie, Sam and Castiel as well. Summary: When Dean goes back in time to try to save the ones he loves time warps and he finds himself in an alternate universe. (ala the butterfly effect). DL Link: community.livejournal.com Dedicated to: Sam. Here is your prize for winning the graphic challenge girlie. I hope you enjoy SOMETHING out of this b/c if you don't i just may cry. lol. SO....THIS WAS THE VIDEO from HELL; in terms of rendering. It would not render. I spent half my day trying to figure it out, and all b/c of one small portion of my video was being STUPID. I swear I hate sony vegas now lol. If it had not been for sequoya telling me to keep trying i literally would have given up. Alex was awesome too in trying to help; and psh even Coty at the end without knowing anything was willing to help. Gah the sad thing is that this isnt even half as good as i wanted it to be. Ugh fail. and the part that was giving me hell doesnt even look like its reversed! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Voiceovers: Cas: Time is fluid Dean. It's not easy but we can bend it on occasion. Dean: Well bend it back. Cas: You realize if you do alter the future you'll never become hunters. And all those people you saved, they'll die. Dean: I realize. Cas: And you dont care? Dean: Oh I care; I care alot. I'm not going to let them die again. -Flashback- D: I can't. D: Can I tell you something? Haley ...

Channels: Weird Videos  

Tags: Nonprofit  dean/haley  dean  winchester  haley  james  scott  jamie  sam  castiel  spn/oth  crossover  spn  oth 


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