Added on Aug 15, 2010
Length: 08:54 | Comments: 0
Please join us on Facebook for the latest science news and videos: Complexity (Chapter 2): Time Travel, Time's Arrow And Complexity --- Please subscribe to Science & Reason: • • • --- TIME REVERSAL Wouldn't you love to be able to travel in time? Authors through the ages have explored the tantalizing idea of being able to travel into the past or the future! Believe it or not, we are time-traveling right now ... into the future, one instant after another! But the question is: Does time only travel in one direction at one rate? If we watch Alabama Slim breaking the rack in a game of 8-ball, we can easily tell if time is running forward or backwards. The backwards sequence doesnt break any laws of physics, but the coming together of all of the right factors to make it happen is so improbable that we can use the words never happen and be absolutely right! In striking contrast, when two protons scatter off of each other, time seems totally reversible. The backwards version looks just like the forward version. So why is this so different from playing pool? The answer is that the interaction between the protons is simple. PRESENT Lets take a close look at how we experience time. Have you ever really thought about the difference between future and past? The difference between will and memory? The difference between hope and regret? You can narrow and focus your attention so that you observe that split-second of what is ...
Channels: Travel & Places
Tags: Education Time Travel Times Arrow And Complexity Future Past Reversal Quarks Wave Function Collapse Complex Quantum Mechanics Physics Science Physicists Universe Cosmos Matter Energy Atoms Electrons Fundamental Subatomic Particles Planck Heisenberg Einst