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Inca Trail - Part 2


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 06:40 | Comments: 0

As I have become a more experienced filmmaker, I have come to the opinion that for me, it is people that make interesting viewing. This is one of the main reasons I enjoy travelling. I like going to unusual places and meeting people from all walks of life. Perhaps if people travelled more, the world would be better educated about others and there would be less racism. This is part of a 2-hour documentary I made of my travels across South America in the summer of 2007, and focuses on a 4-day hike through the Inca Trail. This is part 2 of 3, so be sure to view all 3 parts if you want to see the full journey. We used an Australian company called Intrepid Expeditions and our guide was a man named Wilfredo, who lives in Peru. Our porters were also local to the area, provided by a company called Llama Trek. They really did go out of their way for us; just take a look at the food they cooked. On my travelling companions birthday they baked a cake and all the ingredients were carried with the rest of their stuff. Those who have ever thought about walking the Inca Trail will find this a useful insight into what to expect. I hope others will find it educational and informative. The walk is hard as you will see, but anybody who is reasonably fit should be able to complete it without any major problem. You will need extended insurance because of the high altitude. Most people do this walk in groups of about 200, but ours was a group of 6 and we really felt we benefited from the ...

Channels: Travel & Places  

Tags: Travel  inca  trail  travel  places  people  journeys  south  america  historical 


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