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How To Win At Youtube (Gangsta Edition)


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Added on Sep 16, 2011

Length: 02:17 | Comments: 0

Tips: Partners & Non Partners: - Post your previous video as a reply to your latest video. - Have a good title. - Use all your 500 characters tag limit and be smart about it: https://adwords.google.com/o/Targeting/Explorer?__u=1000000000&__c=100000... - Autoplay your latest video on your channel. - Stimulate an active fanbase to like, comment, subscribe and favorite videos. - Use vidstats and analyze statistics: http://vidstatsx.com/v/AtheneWins - Network! Box4boxing with people that have the same amount of subscribers a day. Work together as you're stronger together. - Cleverly use annotations to link to previous videos and your channel, make sure it doesn't clog up the experience of your videos. Always have an annotation to subscribe. - Have a facebook and twitter and link them all to eachother. - Upload your videos during the weekend around 20.00 CET if ur a small youtuber and around 24.00 CET during the week if you're a big youtuber that can hit the frontpage within 24hours since the frontpage updates at 24.00 CET. - Stimulate an active youtube community by for example adding TTTT or Together To The Top in your title or tags of your videos with explanation of what it is in the description of your video. Partners only: - Use best frame as thumbnail. - Use shows when uploading videos. How to become partner? - Try to avoid copyrighted content at all costs, you won't get partnered if you do. - Once you hit 3000 subscribers you qualify for The Gaming Station, Machinima sometimes partners people that are smaller. Video Content tips: - Use good music in your videos which is not copyrighted (or for which you have permission), contact people that make music and see if you can use it when you cross promote eachother . - Duration of the videos can vary but having them short can help a lot (2-3min), gameplay videos can more easily be longer (8-15min). - Don't use static frames when talking, make sure to always have something moving to visually support what ur saying even if it's random gameplay. - Be interactive and create a connection with your fanbase. - Avoid pushing yourself in a corner in the long run by for example focusing on videos of one specific game. - Good audio is much more important than good visuals in your videos. - We use Sony Vegas but all software works if you grow in it ,such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut. Even Windows Moviemaker is good enough for a lot of things. - We use fraps for capturing the screen. - Content based on what's going viral such as upcoming games can help a lot. Think of what will be news and anticipate on that, if you tap into it at the right time with the right titles, thumbnails and tags, u have a good shot. - Be authentic, never push yourself in making content if you don't feel like it. Be yourself and don't care about the jelly haters, it's a self-fulfilling cycle. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen to the feedback of your audience. Being interactive with your audience will help you lots in fine-tuning your content. - Analyze your statistics. - The camera we use is a Panasonic Lumix GH2 with Rode Videomic Pro. The biggest tip: - Having a strong goal or drive to do what you do, inspiring people to care and move forward as a group is by far the most long term drive that will guarantee good content. If it's money or fame you'll get pwned sooner or later as it gets saturated, this can't happen when you do it for the right reasons. Together To The Top!

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