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Justin Bieber's Hilarious Moments ONE!


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Added on Jul 29, 2011

Length: 09:58 | Comments: 0

-VIdeo of Justin's funniest moment! :D (NUMBER ONE!) -The annotations tell you the exact name of the video the clip is from. -It's my first video ever uploaded to Youtube so it doesn't have any effects or anything like that... But it's got Justin Bieber, so that's pretty cool! :P -I do not own these clips. Credit goes to the owners. Especially the ones who put their names on the clips. :P -There's heaps more funny videos of Justin, but the video had to be under 10mins, so I had to cut it, as you can see it's only 1 second under 10 minutes so I was lucky. :D -If you hate Justin, then don't watch the video and don't comment, it's so simple.... -Please DO NOT steal my video... -No copyright infringement intended. -And last of all... thanks for watching. :) :) :) -Oh, and you can watch it in HD! Yay!!! Hahahaha. NUMBER ONE: Just scroll up a bit, I think you might just find it. ;) NUMBER TWO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p9PCq18xk4 NUMBER THREE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdycR6l3fAY NUMBER FOUR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rrz-nDdv8Y8

Channels: Humor   Stupid Video  



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