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Travel Diaries Montreal - Day 1 2


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 10:59 | Comments: 0

This is the fourth road trip that I've been on with my friends. This time, I decided to do something different and document it all on video. I was inspired by a Canadian TV show called Departures. www.youtube.com On July 9, 2009, Tenzin, Tim, and I went to Montreal for a few days. Here is a video showcasing some of the stuff we did on the first two days. Want to see what happened on the 3rd and 4th day? www.youtube.com Which scenes didn't make the cut? www.youtube.com _____________________________ Filmed with a Canon IXUS 950IS (Point & Shoot Camera) with 640x480 & 15fps setting. Edited with iMovie '09. _____________________________ Thank you to everyone that has watched this series. This has to be my favourite series that I've gotten a chance to film and edit. There was over 4 hours of footage for just 2 days. _____________________________ Places mentioned: Hostel: cuthut.com Metro (3 day Tourist Pass): cuthut.com L'academie: www.lacademie.ca MUV Box: www.muvboxconcept.com *I went to Mtl again a month later with my family and I found a nicer place to stay called "Condo 302". For 4 people, the total was $394 for 4 days/3 nights that incl. breakfast and parking. Here's the link: www.bbcanada.com For pictures I took of the place: cuthut.com If you do end up going, tell them "Fiona" sent you! _____________________________ Within 24 hours that this video was uploaded: #1 - Most Discussed (Today) - Travel & Events - Canada #21 - Most Discussed (Today) - Travel & Events #7 ...

Channels: Travel & Places  

Tags: Travel  fionaman  road  trip  diary  diaries  montreal  lacademie  rue  st  denis  jean  talon  old  port  muv  box  contemporary  art  museum  dart  comtemporain  jazz  festival  silophone  mont  royal  departures  day  and  video  tourist  explore  tourism 


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