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2PAC ft THE OUTLAWZ - Hit 'Em Up (Uncensored)


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Added on Jun 17, 2011

Length: 05:16 | Comments: 0

This was 2Pac's response to Biggie's track "Who Shot Ya?". 2Pac was shot five times in 1994 at a recording studio in Manhattan, New York. Co-incidently, Biggie was recording at the very studio at the time. Pac blamed BIG & Puffy for the shooting saying they knew it was going to happen and possibly even assigned the "hit" themselves. BIG denied the accusations but the media had already took it way out of proportion. One major magazine even printed a picture of the two rappers on the front page in the style of a ballot paper, obviously suggesting to the readers "whose side are you taking?" "Hit 'Em Up" was the B-side of "How Do You Want It?" from 1996.

Channels: Music  

Tags: tupac  2pac  makaveli  notorious  b.i.g  diss  junior  mafia  bad  boy  mobb  deep  chino  xl  lil  kim 


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