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Office Space (the full Original Movie)


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Added on Jun 15, 2011

Length: 01:29:17 | Comments: 0

Comedic tale of company workers who hate their jobs and decide to rebel against their greedy boss. Director: Mike Judge Writers: Mike Judge (Milton animated shorts), Mike Judge (screenplay) Stars: Ron Livingston, Jennifer Aniston and David Herman. Office Space is a 1999 American comedy film written and directed by Mike Judge. It satirizes work life in a typical 1990s software company, focusing on a handful of individuals who are fed up with their jobs. The film's sympathetic portrayal of ordinary IT workers garnered it a cult following among those in that profession, but the film also addresses themes familiar to office workers and white collar employees in general. It was filmed in Las Colinas, Texas and Austin, Texas. Office Space is based on the Milton series of cartoons created by Mike Judge. Office Space was Mike Judge's foray into live action film and his second full length motion picture release (the first being the animated Beavis and Butt-head Do America). The promotional campaign for Office Space often associated it with Beavis and Butt-head. While not a box office success, the film eventually developed into a cult film and sold very well on VHS and DVD.

Channels: Funny  

Tags: office  space  movie  1999  Ron  Livingston  Jennifer  Aniston  David  Herman  Mike  Judge  printer  scene  Original  HQ  real 


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