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Ray J SEXY CAN I Uncensored ft Yung Berg


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Added on Aug 15, 2010

Length: 04:23 | Comments: 0

www.NGTV.com http From the DMV channel on NO GOOD TV comes the uncensored version of smash hit "Sexy Can I" from Ray J featuring Yung Berg. Singer/Songwriter/Actor Ray J is a star in his own right. From TV to fashion to music, Ray J is one of the most talked about celebrities in entertainment and America's premier Independent R&B artist. The album is also loaded with other great news songs including "Gifts," "All I Feel," I Like To Trick" and many more. Ray J says of the new partnership, "I feel great about bringing Knockout Entertainment to KOCH. I enjoy making great music and I believe in working very hard. I'm excited to be with a team who believes in me and my ideas." www.kochrecords.com NOGOOD TV (NGTV) stars Carrie Keagan and Shark Firestone and showcases over a dozen original shows featuring raw, real and uncensored interviews with the biggest stars in the world from music, movies and TV. It also has uncensored, uncut, explicit and director's cut versions of music videos. NO GOOD TV can be found at www.NGTV.com. It's the most fun you'll ever have with your pants on!!


Tags: Music  sexy  can  ray  kim  kardashian  hot  young  girls  dance  stripper  ass  yung  berg  ngtv  bikini  hiphop  pop  rb  rap  rock  unsigned  new  boyz  tie  me  down 


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