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Seductive Vampire


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Added on May 3, 2011

Length: 08:23 | Comments: 0

This tutorial will show you how to look like a haunting vampire. Inspired by Anne Rice's beautiful vampires. They're evocative, bewitching, desirable and haunting. Read Interview With The Vampire..I love Vampires. From anime like Vampire Hunter D, Blood: The Last Vampire and the games Castlevania Symphony of the Nights. Yes, I filmed in my tub, it was freaking HOT with all the candles. Again no mirror, using the swivel reflection on my camera =/ I also filmed this all on my own using a remote! =D Before you start any makeup maintain Clear skin A clear canvas is the most quintessential part in any makeup. Clear acne free skin IQQU acne serum - My own secret formula iqqubeauty.com ALL PRODUCTS I'M USING IN ORDER Music in Order Late Night Alumni "Rainy Days" This song is from their old album, I cannot find it on iTunes, please buy it, don't steal it. Their YOUTUBE channel www.youtube.com Their new single is up, which is amazing You Can Be The One itunes.apple.com Kanon Wakeshima - Suna No Oshiro from anime Vampire Knight Buy her song here. She is an amazing cellist itunes.apple.com If you want to buy her entire album for $9.99 itunes.apple.com Late Night Alumni - "Sunrise Comes Too Soon" From their old Album "Empty Streets" Solotica Hidrocor ICE contacts. The contacts I wore look brighter in the video because of the reflecting light, but in real life they look MUCH more natural. Here is a photo on another girl with brown eyes img4.imageshack.us BUY the lens here. They're ...

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