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Barbie Transformation Tutorial


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Added on May 3, 2011

Length: 08:40 | Comments: 0

This tutorial is going to show you how to look like the glamourous Barbie doll. Perfect for Halloween. I just moved into a new place, thus no furniture. I also did this tutorial with no mirror, just the reflection of my camera...so please bear with me =/ All music is by Annie. From her hit album, Anniemal. Purchase songs from iTunes for just 99 cents! "Anniemal" itunes.apple.com "Me Plus One" itunes.apple.com "Heartbeat" itunes.apple.com Or her entire Anniemal album for just $9.99! itunes.apple.com ALL PRODUCTS ARE USED IN ORDER. Remember you do not have to use what I use. Make the best of your products. Before you start any makeup maintain Clear skin A clear canvas is the most quintessential part in any makeup. Clear acne free skin IQQU acne serum - My own secret formula iqqubeauty.com Circle Lens from. Angel Lens in Grey, thanks for the correction guys. And yes, one contact was inside out, makes sense because it felt like it was going to fall out at some points. =P Also, I own over 30 lens, so it's hard for me to know which is which, so if I get a name wrong, let me know instead of calling me "dumb". =) geolenscare.blogspot.com Strivectin-SD Eye Cream www.strivectin.com Sally Hansen Airbrush www.sallyhansennaturalbeauty.com to buy search.ulta.com Amazing Concealer - Medium Beige www.amazingcosmetics.com Academy Of Freelance Makeup Brushes www.aofmpro.com La Mer Powder www.cremedelamer.com Academy of Freelance Makeup Brushes Coastal Scents 88 Warm Palette www ...

Channels: Education & Instructional  



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