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Will.I.Am - "I Like to Move It" Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa


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Added on Apr 15, 2011

Length: 03:08 | Comments: 0

WE LOVE TO MOVE IT, MOVE IT! In the summer of 2005, Madagascar scored big with both domestic and international audiences, racking up more than half-a-billion at the worldwide box office, making it the top family comedy of the year. Once the fancy-footed lion, a quick talking zebra, an anxiety-ridden giraffe and a smart n saucy hippo were released into theaters around the globe, these four New York friends—better known as Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria—became the most popular quartet of the season. Writer/director Eric Darnell remembers being relieved by the reception of Madagascar, but not really that surprised. He says, Madagascar was a success because it had these entertaining and enjoyable characters that people could identify with—they also connected with them on a human level. And despite their flaws, their issues, their anxieties, whatever problems they may be facing, you always empathize with them and want them to come through. Writer/director Tom McGrath continues, We just fell in love with the characters that we created along with Ben Stiller, Chris Rock, David Schwimmer and Jada Pinkett Smith—and clearly, everyone else did, too. We had this great ensemble cast that we just totally loved. We took on the theme of civility versus savagery and turned that into a friendship story about these zoo animals, when their bonds were tested once they got into Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa Production Information 3 the wild. Even at the time we ended the first movie—before it ...

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