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Salesman Pete


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Added on Feb 23, 2011

Length: 06:55 | Comments: 0

CHECK OUT OUR FRIEND'S SHORT : http://vimeo.com/17535548 SALESMAN PETE and the amazing stone from outer space © Edit 26/09/10 : Sound re-mixed. Should be better. Pete is a nice and clumsy salesman. But he's also a deadly super secret agent with a microprocessor implanted into his brain by some mad scientists from the government ! He has to secretly stop a bunch of badguys who stole a magic stone that can change anything into seafood ! Pete est un gentil vendeur un peu maladroit. Mais il est aussi un super agent secret mortellement dangereux doté d'un microprocesseur implanté dans son cerveau par des scientifiques du gouvernement ! Il doit secrètement arrêter un groupe de bandits ayant volé une pierre magique capable de transformer tout ce qu'elle touche en crustacés ! ------------------------------------- Réalisé par/Directed by: Marc Bouyer bouyer.marc@gmail.com http://fr.linkedin.com/pub/marc-bouyer/23/6a9/1b2 Max Loubaresse max.loubaresse@gmail.com http://fr.linkedin.com/pub/max-loubaresse/11/379/463 Anthony Vivien anton.vivien@gmail.com http://fr.linkedin.com/in/anthonyvivien Music: Cyrille Marchesseau www.cyrillemarchesseau.com Sound Design: Mael Vignaux khelben1@gmail.com ------------------------------------- WEBSITE : www.salesmanbuck.com BLOG: www.salesman-pete.blogspot.com ------------------------------------- THX TO VINZ for his rig. Vincent E SOUSA vinz.sousa@hotmail.fr Rigging reel : http://vimeo.com/13957690 Again, we are NOT from Supinfocom, we left our school in order to do this short our own way !

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: shading 


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