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Added on Feb 23, 2011

Length: 03:19 | Comments: 0

TRUCKERS DELIGHT IS NOW A FULLY PLAYABLE I-APP DOWNLOAD IPHONE TRUCKERS DELIGHT VIDEOGAME : http://tiny.cc/ql2n2 T-shirts, merchandising and much more ici = WWW.TRUCKERSDELIGHT.NET Truckers Delight animated video clip directed by newcomer wunderkid Jérémie Périn who takes the song's title (a tribute to those little pleasures that the lonely truck- driver indulges himself in) and takes it to the next level: it's très funny,très dirty, -très sexy. Très Flairs indeed. Truckers Delight EP is be available in digital and 12" with 2 remixes by veteran Alex Gopher of French touch fame and Alixander III, taking some time off his duo Azari & III. Download track on itunes : http://tinyurl.com/yzf59gc

Channels: Arts & Animation  

Tags: flairs  truckers  delightthird  siderecordspremiere  heurejeremie  perin8bit 


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