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Added on Feb 23, 2011

Length: 04:52 | Comments: 0

My graduation film Khoda. Description: What if you watch a film and whenever you pause it, you face a painting? This idea inspired Reza Dolatabadi to make Khoda. Over 6000 paintings were painstakingly produced during two years to create a five minutes film that would meet high personal standards. Khoda is a psychological thriller; a student project which was seen as a ‘mission impossible’ by many people but eventually proved possible! Credits: Director and art director: Reza Dolatabadi Written by Reza Dolatabadi & Mark Szalos Farkas Animation by Adam Thomson Music by Hamed Mafakheri Winner of the Best Animation Canary Wharf Film Festival (London) Aug, 2008 Winner of the Best Student Animation Flip Festival (Birmingham) 2008 Winner of the Best Student Animation, Royal Television Society Award, Scotland (rts) 2009 Official selection for the "Best Short Film Program” at Waterford Film Festival (Ireland) November 2008 Entered Festivals: 10.2009 - 9th Annual Valley Film Festival VFF Animation Festival (Hollywood) 09.2009 - London International Animation Festival (LIAF) (London) 09.2009 - onedotzero Adventure In Motion (London) 09.2009 - Prix Ars Electronica Animation Festival (Linz) 08.2009 – Screening at the Reading and Leads Music Festival (Reading) 05.2009 - Renderyard Short Film Festival (London) 04.2009 - European Media Arts Film Festival (Osnabrüc) 03.2009 - Rome Independent Film Festival (Rome) 01.2009 - Royal Television Award (rts) (Glasgow) 12.2008 - Anchorage International Film Festival (Alaska) 11.2008 - Flip Animation Festival (Birmingham) 11.2008 - Encounter Film Festival (Bristol) 11.2008 - Animated Dreams Animation Festival (Tallinn) 11.2008 - Exposures Film Festival (Manchester) 11.2008 - Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival‏ (Toronto) 10.2008 - Marbella International Film Festival (Marbella & London) 10.2008 - Renderyard Short Film Festival (London) 11.2008 - Waterford Film Festival (Waterford, Ireland 09.2008 - 16TH Contravision Film Festival (Berlin) 08.2008 - Canary Wharf Film Festival (London) Enjoy! Reza Dolatabadi www.RezaArt.com Adam Thomson www.adamthomsonanimation.com

Channels: Arts & Animation  



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