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Speedo Slope Glider


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Added on Feb 22, 2011

Length: 03:54 | Comments: 0

A few months ago I went shopping for a slope glider and found this 1,2M Speedo at R2hobbies.com. Looked very nice, but I was skeptical that a sub $50 glider could fly well... I read some positive reviews, but could not find any online video to see if it suited my style and field. Ended up ordering it and I am so glad! It is small, fast and flies beautifully, becoming my favorite glider when the wind blows over 30 km/h. This video is not special by any means, and I know the Speedo is capable of much more, but it could help those who are curious about how this tiny slope glider would perform on a mild slope/wind, so I decided to publish it. Hope you enjoy it anyway.

Channels: Hobbies & Interests  

Tags: SpeedoMark  IIslopegliderRC 


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