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Hizb ut-Tahrir - the black BNP


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Added on Dec 5, 2009

Length: 02:05 | Comments: 0

The terror threat posed by Islamic Fundamentalism has convinced some people in Europe and the USA to embrace radical nationalist and extreme right politics as a supposed "alternative" to the dangers of violent Islamism. Radical nationalist and extreme right politics are NO answer to radical Islam, because radical Islam IS a form of extreme right politics! Bearing in mind that many Muslims aren't Fundamentalists and that many Arabs aren't even Muslim (there are many Christian, Jewish, Parsee, Agnostic and Aetheist Arabs) it's a fact that White European and Muslim Fascists ALL embrace racism and sexism, and embrace violent anti-democratic, pro-sectarian and authoritarian ideology.

Channels: Politics   Military & War  

Tags: Geert  Wilders  Fitna  Khilafah  Hizb  utTahrir  Anjem  Choudary  AlMahajiroun  BNP  British  National  Party  Nick 


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